The Nemaha County Historical Society has a photocopy of the original bid by P. J. Pauly for a new jail using the Pauly jail cells.
Seneca Kansas, June 2d 1879
Hon Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha County
We propose to furnish all the
material and labor and build the Jail accord
to our plans and specifications with four CE
in two tiers, Holding 4 prisoners each 5 foot
corridors including all the attachment for the
sum of Ten thousand Six hundred and
forty three dollars. Two of the cells to be
latched with our Patent bar and two of the
cells not to be latched though using our
patent bar for the Corridor door and [rea]
OR We propose to build the building as
Above with three cells all of our best
Work in one tier with 5 foot corridors
Holding 4 prisoners each, with all the
attachments for the sum of Nine Thousand,
Nine hundred and Forty three dollars

Page 2
Or, We propose to build the building as
within with two of our Best Cell holding
4 prisoners each for the sum of Nine Thousand
Three Hundred and Forty Three Dollars
In no case do we ask you one cent
O pay for the cells & iron work until
You accept the same and satisfy yourselves
That our cellwork is proof against
Saws & files and that it is perfect in
All respects as represented by us.
Respectfully yours
P. J. Pauly & Bro
[PR C L Wendt & Co]
General Agents
With a 4 or 2 cell job the cell room will
4 feet less in length and with a 3 cell job the cell room will be 2 ½ feet longer that the plans sh[ow]
And one story for three or two cells
P. J. Pauly & Bro
C L Wendt & [Bro] agents