The Nemaha County Historical Society has a photocopy of the original 1879 specifications for the jail cells to be provided by P. J. Pauly & Bro.
For Three Steel-Clad Jail Cells & Corridor,
To be Constructed under the direction of P. J. PAULY, and erected in the Cell Room of the County Jail
at Seneca in Nemaha County, Kansas
By P. J. PAULY & BRO., of St. Louis, Missouri,
As per Contract hereto attached.
FIRST.—The hardened Steel Bars, with annealed and iron centre, (saw and file proof) and the process of hardening.
SECOND.—The lathing of the Iron with hardened Steel Bars.
THIRD.—The Lever Lock.
Each Cell to be 6 1/2 feet wide, 8 feet deep, from front to rear, and Seven feet
high. The Corridor to be five feet wide, 19 1/2 feet long, and 7 feet high. The floors
and ceilings of Cells and Corridor, and the outside and partition walls of Cells, and the rear end of Corridor, and
8 inches of the front end of the Corridor, where the Lever Box is attached, to be made of 3/16 inch thick Jail plate. All the joints to butt, and to be strapped with a 4 b 1/4 inch Iron Strap, thus [image1] All the inside corners
are put together with a 2 by 2 by 1/4 inch angle iron, thus: [image2] and all the outside corners to have double
angle iron, thus: [image3]Outside angle Iron to be 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 by 1/4 inches. All to be riveted with [3/8] inch counter-
sunk oval head rivets, and counter-sunk riveted on the inside. Rivets to be spaced from 3 to 3 1/2 inches from centres.LATHING.
All the exterior plate Iron of Cells and Corridor to be lathed with the patent hardened steel bars, hardened on the
edges, and annealed in the centre. The bars to be 2 by ⅜ inches, placed 5 to 5 1/4 inches apart, and the ends to
extend in under the outside angle Iron, and riveted every 6 inches with 1/2 inch counter-sunk oval head rivets, counter
sunk riveted in the plate.
At the end of each Cell there will be a lattice section, (or window,) 2 feet wide, extending from floor to ceiling, to
admit air and light—made of the patent hardened steel bars 2 by 2 inches, crossing at right angles, and the ends to be riveted at
every intersection with 1/2 inch counter-sunk oval head rivets, counter sunk riveted on the inside. Meshes to be 2½ by
2½ inches. Said lattice section is riveted at top and bottom, between the outside and inside angle Iron, and on the
sides to be securely riveted to the plate.
Each Cell to have a door 2 feet wide, and 6 feet high, made of same kind of material, and constructed in the same
manner as the rear sections hereinafter described and at the bottom there will be a feed opening 4 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches. Each
door will be hung on a pivot of double strap hinges thus: [image4] Protected by hardened steel bars, and opposite
each hinge on the door will be a hardened steel rabbit catch, which will shut into a mortise in the angle Iron frame,
thus: [image5] In the center, across each door, will be a 4 by 3/8 inch patent hardened steel latch-bar, riveted to
the door with a double row of rivets. Each door-opening will be provided with a 2 by 2 by 1/4 inch angle Iron frame
securely riveted to the plate on the inside, and forming a rabbit for the door to shut against.CORRIDOR GRATING
The entire front, and the entrance end of the corridor, (with the exception of 8 inches, where the Lever Box is
attached) will be made of the patent hardened steel bars 2 by 3/8 inch, crossing at right angles, and to be riveted at each
intersection with 1/2 inch counter-sunk oval head rivets, counter-sunk riveted on the inside. Meshes to be about 3 by
4 1/2 inches. This latticework is secured at the top and bottom, and at all the upright corners, with double angle Iron,
and riveted with 1/2 inch rivets, (As above described), passing through both thicknesses of the angle Iron, with the steel
bars between them. The inside angle Iron to be 2 by 2 by 1/4 inches; the outside 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 by 5/16 inches. The several
sections of the steel lattice work of the Corridor are connected at the joints, by placing a 4 by 3/8 inch patent hardened
steel bar on one side, and a 4 by 3/8 inch Iron bar on the opposite side, riveted through both bars, with the ends of the
lattice bars between them, with a double row of 1/2 inch rivets, in same manner as hereinbefore described.CORRIDOR DOOR
The entrance door to the Corridor will be made of steel lattice work of same kind of material, and in same manner
as the Corridor lattice work above described, and will be 2 feet 6 inches wide, and 7 feet high. Each side of the door will
be stiffened by an angle Iron bar, 2 by 2 by 1/4 inch, riveted to the door on the inside. The door will be hung in the
same manner as the Cell doors hereinbefore described. On the outside of the door there will be a 3/16 inch thick Iron plate,
about 15 by 20 inches, securely riveted to the door : on which will be riveted a heavy slide bolt made of hardened steel
and iron combined. Said bolt slides into the Lever Box, (hereinafter described,) and is secured there by a heavy pad-
lock. Another slide bolt will be secured to the front of the Cell plate. This bolt slides over the edge of the door, and
securely fastens it at the bottom. This latter bolt is locked with a heavy pad-lock on the Cell side, and out of reach
from the inside.

Each Cell door to be locked by means of P. J. Pauly’s Patent Lever Lock, which locks the door at the top and
bottom with heavy bolts. The lever controlling this lock is locked into an Iron box, made of 3/16 inch thick Jail
plate, secured to the plate on the front end of the Corridor, adjoining the entrance door. The door to thus Lever Box
to be secured with a live tumbler wrought iron lock, with a combination to close key-hole with a plate. In addition to
the above each Cell door will be provided with a heavy Jail padlock, placed on the steel latch-bar across the centre.BUNKS.
Each Cell will be provided with 4 sets of angle iron bunks, to swing hammocks from. Hammocks to be
28 inches wide, made of No. 4 Ducking, with 3/8 inch cord, sewed into edges all around and swung from side to side
of cell. At each end there will be three heavy 1 1/2 inch leather straps and buckles to fasten the hammocks to the
angle iron loops, which are riveted to the sides of the Cells.
In one corner of each Cell there will be a foul air duct, made of No. 14 plate Iron, and riveted to the Cell plate,
as shown on the plan. They will have two shifters; the one at the bottom to be large enough to receive a night bucket,
and the one at the top large enough for draft. The duct is connected with a6 inch Iron pipe on top of Cells, extend-
ing through the ceiling over head. A 10 inch ventilating cap will also be placed on the roof of building.WATER CLOSET
There will be a Tank made of No. 14 Iron, 3 feet square and 2 feet deep, placed on top of the rear end of the
Corridor. There will be a 1 inch supply pipe from the tank to the privy sink, with a globe valve for sink, and brass
cock to supply drinking water. A cut-off cock will also be placed in said supply pipe on the outside, to regulate the
supply of water. There will also be an over-flow pipe, and a supply pipe running from tank to outside of the building.
There will be a tank made of NO. 14 Iron, 3 feet square and 2 feet deep, placed on top of the rear end of the
Corridor. There will be a 1 inch supply pipe from the tank to the privy sink, with a globe valve for sink, and brass
cock to supply drinking water. A cut-off cock will also be placed in said supply pipe on the outside, to regulate the
supply of water. There will also be an over-flow pipe, and a supply pipe running from tank to outside of the building.
A force pump, of an anti-freezing pattern, will be placed on the well or cistern, of sufficient capacity to carry water
to the tank — the connection between the pump and supply pipe of the tank to be made by a 1 inch, 3 ply rubber hose
Said hose to be 30 feet or less in length, and to have the proper couplings for attaching at each end. A nozzle for
sprinkling and extinguishing of fires will also be furnished, to attach to said hose when required.
Said job will receive one coat of mineral paint before leaving the factor, and one additional coat after being set
up in the Cell room.
All the above Iron and Steel work to be the best in every particular, and to be done to the entire satisfaction
of The County Commissioners of Nemaha County, Kansas
and in accordance with the contract, and the samples, model, plans, &c., exhibited by C. L. Wundt & Co.
General northeaster agents of Burlington Iowa
P J Pauly & Bro
[for] C. L. Wundt & Co
Gen Agents