The Nemaha County Historical Society has a photocopy of the 1879 contract with P. J. Pauly to build a new jail.
Made this 3d day of June A.D. 1879, between P. J. PAULY & BRO.,
of St. Louis, Missouri, through their Agents, C.L. WUNDT & CO., of Burlington, Iowa, of the first part,
and the County of Nemaha in the State of Kansas
by the Board of County Commissioners thereof, party of the second part,
WITNESSETH: That for the consideration hereinafter named, and agreed to be paid by the party
of the second part, the said party of the first part agrees to manufacture and erect in the Cell
Room of the Jail building in the Town of Seneca in the County
of Nemaha and State of Kansas, Three Cells
finished complete, ready for occupancy, including all the attachments connected therewith, in accordance
with the Specifications hereto attached, marked “Exhibit A;” and also manufacture and
furnish for the use of said party of the second part, 4 Doors, and 9 Windows
as per Specifications hereto attached, marked “Exhibit B.”
And also build the building according
to plans and specifications hereto attached
marked Exhibit C
And the said party of the first part agrees to take and accept the
sum of Nine Thousand Nine hundred and forty three Dollars
in Cash.
in full payment for said cells building & iron work the freight and drayage on said Cells
to be paid by the party of the second art, and deducted from the amount paid to the said first
party on final settlement.
The said party of the second part, hereby accepts the foregoing contract and for the manufacture
and erection of said Jail Cells and the furnishing of said Iron Work and the erection
of said building hereby agrees to pay to the said party of the first part or order, the
sum of Nine Thousand Nine hundred and forty three Dollars

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in full thereof.
It is further agreed by and between the said parties hereto, that the work on said Cells
Building & Iron Work is to be commenced on or before 20 days from this date
and completed on or before the 1st day of October 187?
The said party of the 1st part agrees to furnish 7 bars of old railroad iron,
each 12 1/2 feet long to set said Cells on, and when notice of the time fixed for the completion
thereof is given by the said party of the first party, the said Board of County Commissioners
shall convene in special session at a time to be fixed by the said party of the first part, examine the
said work, and if completed according to contract, shall accept the same and make payment therefor
as hereinbefore agreed.
In Testimony Whereof, he said party of the first part, has cuased this to be signed by
the said C. L. Wundt & Co., Agents, and the said party of the second part has caused
it to be signed by the members of the Board of County Commissioners and attested by the
signature and official seal of the County Clerk of said COunty, this 3rd
day of June A.D. 1879
P. G. Pauly & Bro
by C. L Wundt & CO AgentsA. H. Burnett
T M Durland
G H Adams
Members of the Board of
County Commissioners
of Nemaha
County, KansasAttest:
Joshua Mitchell
County Clerk